16. How fungal spores are dispersed
15. What is Malnutrition? Mention different types of mal nutrition in
1 mark questions.
1. What is pigment
2. What is fermentation
3. Electron acceptor examples.
4. Differences between spongy parenchyma & palisade parenchyma.
5. How citric acid is formed
6. What is cellular respiration
7. Plasma – serum
8. Pulmonary heart.
9. Define palate
10. What is glottis and epiglottis
11. Hematology
12. What are saline?
13. Blood transmission.
14. Irritability
15. Apical dominance
16. Toti potency
17. Synapse
18. Sexual dimorphism
19. What are enzymes in HIV
20. What is estury
21. What are mangroves
21. What is social forestry
22. What is agro forestry
23. What is bio piracy
24. What are freoms
25. What is reflex ore?