Q.1 Muslims arrange for the recitation and learning of Qur'an by heart but neglect to understand and practice Qur'an . what methods can be applied for reformation of the negligence?

Q.2 Muslim ummah comprises of 1/5th of the total world population, rich in natural resources but lacking economic and political stability. Suggest measures for political and economic stability.

Q.3 Sucidal and valiant attacks have become a routine . what is the difference between the two ? suggest reasons for the legitimacy of these attacks.

Q.4 Is war knocking at our doors or sophisticated nuclear weapons have made it impossible. the muslims are facing strong ideological and military challenges. in order to meet such challenges , what strategy the muslims should adopt, in you opinion?

Q.5 in islam the purpose of Zakat is purity of wealth , abolishing poverty , hunger and ignorance but this has not been achieved yet. what political steps are needed for attaining this end?

Q.6 in order to meet the challenges of modern time, there is a need to establish verstile institutions of Ijtehad. what measures would you suggest?

Q.7 Islam gives a living and dynamic perception of civilization. which steps do you consider to meet the challenges of western civilization?

Q.8 There prevails a misconception that aggression could solve our problems but in consequences people all over the world are suffering . what measures do you suggest to ractify the situation?